Read your horoscope for next week.

    Adrian Ross Duncan's World of Wisdom is an excellent astrology program - one of the best I've come across.  There's also a horoscopic comparison program called "Astrology for Lovers" - download a trial copy at Adrian's site. World of Wisdom.

    Ever visited one of those sites where they offer a free reading?   I've visited an assortment of them and requested free readings but can't say that I was very impressed with the readings - until I recently visited Mary Moon's Tarot Site. As usual, I requested a free reading and soon forgot about it. A couple of days later I found my reading in my inbox, read it and have no hesitation in admitting that I was impressed with this one. There was no request at their site for personal information other than a first name, email address (to send the reading) and date of birth, but their reading was right on the nose. This is one site that's well worth a visit. Their sister site World Tarot Readers is also worth an extended visit.

    Institute For Astroenrgetic Studies  Here's an interesting site with oodles of information about Astrology, New Age Spirituality, Buddhism, Tibetan & Fractal Art, Nature of Mind, Wisdom, Hippie Era, Ireland... etc. (added 10-02-99)

    Astrology Online - largest astrology site online.  Everything about Astrology and, if you have a prediction for the future, you can add that here as well.

    Astrodienst - cast your chart online.

    Homepage of astrologer, Richard Nolle.

    Astrological horoscopes & forecasts - with a little bit of tarot thrown in.

    Interactive horoscope online.

    Astrological readings.

    Kenaz services - charts, resources, & more.

    Chinese astrology.

    Compatibility report - friends & lovers.


    I ching



    Links, links, and more links!

    Who were you in a past life?

    Zodax mystic cubes

    Cards of destiny

    The fortune teller

    What cycle are you in?  (Numerology)

    Voice in the woods

    Pick your rune



Last updated 07-28-2001

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