Pet Action League -
A totally non-profit organization in Florida does just what it says -
rescues animals. Read the stories of some of the pets
they've rescued and unless you're totally heartless, you'll definitely
want to help. Here are stories of some of the pets rescued by the Pet Action League.
Read these and keep from shedding tears - if you can!
Missy a cat
who came all the way from Singapore in July of 1997. Charlie
Redford - a beautiful but sad-eyed feral cat rescued by P.A.L. Lester - a
Maine Coon rescued suring Christmas of 1994. Mingo - another
"Christmas" cat, rescued in 1993. Mistee - who lived
in a cable spool with her four babies until she was rescued in 1992. Domino
with the big sad eyes who was found on the interstate going through
Florida in 1995. Blondie -
brings happiness to people at a local cursing home. Annie - a
beautiful little black dog who was abandoned by the side of the
road and rescued in 1988. Gizzie
an abused and abandoned dog rescued in 1991.
These are just a few of the beautiful animals
rescued by P.A.L. so take time to go there and prepare to spend
hours reading their stories - some of them will cause tears to
run profusely - and if you're an animal lover you can
one of the pets or just please send a donation. Rememember, every
little bit helps so if all you can afford is a dollar or two it
all helps. This is not an affiliate program - it's wonderful
people dedicating their lives to rescuing abandoned, feral, and
lost pets. All the stories have happy endings. :o)
Allwall - This is a wonderful site with over 60,000
fine art prints and posters. We've added a few of them
so you can see a few samples of what they have.
We're big time animal lovers so mostly what we've added here are
animals but visit their site for just about any category you could hope
to find.
A.D.O.P.T. This excellent
site is non-profit and is run and maintained strictly by people who
volunteer their time and resources. If you'd like to contribute or help in
any way, the snail-mail address is:
If you're not in a position to help physically or financially then please add
a link to this very deserving site.
If you have a pet page or site involved with animals, you can apply for their "Golden Woof" award.
Another excellent non-profit site doing work on behalf of animals is The Tulsa SPCA. Before adding a link to their site, I contacted them to make sure that they don't sell animals to research labs (some SPCA branches do) and was assured that they don't . They also have a full time cruelty investigator. You can enter your pet in their 1999 "Oklahoma Pets" calendar contest.
If you'd like to help, you can reach them at:
Here's another non-profit organization working on behalf of our non-human
friends. See how they're helping our feathered friends.
Hearts United for Animals is an innovative animal rescue
organization. This isn't your typical animal shelter - the animals are
not caged but share fenced-in fields where they can run and play all they want.
Nor do they confine themselves to Nebraska - they rescue animals
from all across the country and find home for them in canada as well
as the U.S.
Vicki Loves Cats -
an excellent place to visit. Vicki is another cat lover
and one who recently lost her beloved Kilo - her best friend for
twenty years - read Vicki's memorial to Kilo here.
Click the banner to go to Catstuff, another great site about cats and other stuff such as cat related-graphics, web ring, and humor such as 'instructions for your cat on how to run a proper household' and more, much more.
Spend some time at "Those Eyes" , another pet site with links to other pet places, and a pet web-ring you can join if your site is pet oriented.
Visit Sarah's Playground. It's well worth visiting even if just to look at the kitten on her border. Cute as the proverbial button!
Have you lost a pet? Or found one? Look for it or advertise it at
- an excellent animal site. They have an award you can apply
for if you have a pet related site plus lots of freebies.
Click on the banner to visit PAWS